how to set and crush goals

Hey Y’all!

I’m sitting here watching my Baylor Bears play in a bowl game for the first time in several years. (SIC ‘EM BEARS)  I also took down every ounce of Christmas decor today. If you know me you know this is completely out of character. Most years I leave up Christmas as long as a I possibly can because it’s hands down my favorite time of the year. For the first time I’m ready for the new year. 2018, you were good to me but you tested me in so many ways (good and bad) that I’m ready to grow. By grow I mean really dig deep and know God’s purpose.

So I’m going to probably piss some people off but I’m not a huge fan of the term “new years resolutions.” I think it’s cliche, similar to valentines day, it’s a high pressure time of year and a lot of times you’re just setting yourself up to fail. Most of you don’t know this about me, but I am a director of sales of a software company. When I am working with people setting goals career or even personal, I try to make sure they they are “SMART” goals. What I mean by that is making sure they are; 

Specific- Not just, I’m going to get closer to God or I’m going to lose weight. It has to be exactly what getting closer to God means to you and HOW. Also, I’m going to lose 10lbs by March. 

Measurable- You need to set “micro goals” to measure success around it. For example it you want to lose 10lbs, set 2lb at time goals so you can see your progress.

Achievable- Is it possible? Gosh I love when people say I’m going to run a Marathon by March and they’ve never run more than a mile in their entire life. Remember, start small and celebrate the successes along the way.

Realistic- Oh I love this one. Is it possible? If you’re trying to change a bad habit, make a true life style change. Remember, you didn’t create that habit or live that lifestyle over night.. it takes time. Trust me on this one.

Timely- if you put a timeline around something, you can back into the number. Which by the way I LOVE timelines because it creates boundaries and expectations.

Hopefully that provides a little color behind what “SMART” goals are. I’ve always been an athlete since a very young age. I think what I love about setting goals especially around these requirements, it feels SO good to hit them.

So when I think about 2019 I think about, how can I grow? How can I truly be better? Not just physically but emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I heard an analogy at a sales conference one time that if a shark stops swimming, they die. Okay, okay I know that is a little intense but honestly you can compare that to yourself. If you aren’t growing, changing and improving.. what are you doing? Not to mention I turn the big 3-0 in 2019. everyone I talk to says you find yourself in your thirties.. so bring it! 

Last thing I’ll add is don’t over stretch yourself. You can always add more goals once you hit your baseline, but setting too many goals at once is hard to manage, and also can be defeating if you don’t hit them all.

So for 2019, 

  1. go through growth track and get re-baptized, recommitting my life to Christ in Janurary.
  2. consistently post once a week. I want to commit to sharing at-least 2 workouts a month to y’all. 
  3. read one growth book a month, personal or professional. 
  4. start incorporating yoga in my workouts once a week. 

Just remember no matter where you want to be, you have to start somewhere.

What are some of your goals for next year?



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